andi and grim

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hiedibear75Aug 2, 2008

You naughty girl you! (shakes finger) No tools required.....I've got quick release hubs that allow my wheels to pop off at the push of a button. \:rah\: And you're all the way in England so you can't reach them no matter how easy it is to pop them off. \:P Night andi. \:ph34r\: Or is that good day (it's 9AM & I off to bed \;\) )? \:confused\:

hiedibear75Aug 2, 2008

Um.....what's a "spanner" and what does "take the wells off" mean? \:confused\: I think you're speaking British vs. English. \:P LOL \:lol\: Me evil? \:eek\: Well......maybe just a little. \:ph34r\:

hiedibear75Aug 2, 2008

Yeah......had an accident long time before you were even born. \:D LOL Thanks for the hugs. \:wub\: Who says you're not sweet? \;\) Type ya L8R.

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Hey, sorry but I have to go now. Nice talking to you both talking to ya both. You guys rock! KeeP Creating and Siming!!\;\) \:D \:\)

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Yeah, well, it's amazing what people on opposite sides of the world like. Man 18 past midnight, God now that's late me, well not really...\:o

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Yeah pretty much\:P I'm not a full fan girl I have to admit, I also like a little of Cat Empire, Evanescence and Three Days Grace. I'm a pretty big fan of Daughtry.

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

Wouldn't surprise me, they're from melbourne... g2g now...BYE

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

Let me guess... are you two listening to My Chemical Romance? \:\) Just a hunch. I honestly wouldn't know, coz I don't listen to them... sorry... I'm a Cat Empire girl... I love their latest album...

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

....It's Sunday...\:\( school tomorrow... Oh, whell I still have twenty-something hours...

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Yeah, I know LOL\:P But I can only try I guess. Man, five minutes to midnight, geez. Listening to Vampires Will Never Hurt you from-guess who? How's it coming along over there?

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

AWESOME!!! I have friends... for once! \:\) It feels good... Anyways, I bet your all creeped out, right? Yeah, I have that effect on people. I do have one other friend, Brooke. She's a few years older than me. She's also my mentor in randomness... I was talking to her on MSN the other day when she says: "How random of me. It seems I've lost my pants." \:D Hence why I'm a little nutty\:\) It also runs in the family...

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

Hey! That's not fair!\:\( Don't forget, I am JAWS, queen of the sea... I can banish you from the ocean... lol

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

I am BACK!!!\:D All clean and showered... smell nice, too... okay, I bet that was too much info... I'm sorry.\:\) \:\) Don't be surprised if I just suddenly disappear tonight tho, It'll be coz mum and dad are home and I'm going to bed... I will reply in the morning, but until then, DON"T HATE ME!!!\:\) \:\)

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Oh, and what did you think?!\;\)

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Just upload some new stuff to My Pictures on my profile. There poster from my room that I bought today. There totally wicked!\:D

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

You mean Warrayfinson? (I'm not sure if I spell that right...) Yeah I know... I found another Aussie!!! Okay I gotta go now, iton the shower... I've got at least half an hour... If I have spare time I'll come back on... You can look out for me being on on Friday and Saturday nights late... Coz that's when mum and dad go dancing... Pansy Dancing is what I call it... hate the stuff. I only went to that stupid ball to make them happy!!! \:mad\: Those shoes could have killed me! And then look what happened, I got my phone stolen! (Sorry, I've had time to grill over all of this) Anyways, I'm going now, will reply to any new messages tomorrow... \:D

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Oh my God, thank you so much! Congrates to Jaws as well, she's really cool. Keep Creating!!\;\) \;\) \;\) \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:\) \:\) \:\) \:D \:D \:D

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

Almost midnight... holy cow! I'd better get off, soon. \:D My parents are at a dance and will be back soon... Sometimes I stay up... Sometimes I don't... \;\) Mel and Perry are in their room, probably asleep, and Oma is downstairs, and the dogs are barking... Aah, sweet sounds of home...

WarrayfinsonAug 2, 2008

Yeah I guess it is like instant messaging, just looking at the comment below. Pretty cool I guess\:cool\:. Yeah, I liked the set too, one of my favourites!

Jaws3Aug 2, 2008

I'm good. Hey this is like instant messaging... what time is it over there??\:D

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